

 ne of the most common as well as an aggravating question asked during interview session used to be: "Tell us something about your weakness?" And you start rolling your eyes..! Definitely a bad signal! Many candidates use to hate this question and they are not able to form a satisfactory answer for this. May be they are not ready to accept their biggest flaws at this most important stage and the turning point of their life. Interviewers are already well aware of the fact that they will never get a 100% honest answer to this question but they do expect an answer from you. So let us get prepared to face it. If we have so many qualities to express about ourselves in an interview then definitely we must have few disadvantages to discuss. After all, we are all humans and we cannot be perfect all the time. Below are few appealing tips to nail this question and impress interview panel even while describing your weakness. Once you realize the importance of this question, soon you wi

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